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For those who are interested in returning to live worship, we would like to set some expectations: 

A. We are asking those who are not feeling well to remain at home and join us online.

B. We will be using the vestibule in the rear of the church near the parking lot to enter.

C. Masks will be mandatory for everyone who enters the church and must be worn throughout the entire service. 

D. We will be using every third pew for seating to maximize social distancing.   Families or those who arrive together are welcome to sit together.  

E. There will be no physical contact during the service. This means that we will not be handing out bulletins. The offering plates will remain at the front of the sanctuary for you to place your offering in, either as you enter or leave the sanctuary.

F. Hand sanitizer and masks will be available upon entering the church. We will also be taking everyone’s temperature. We will dismiss the congregation by pews following the service.  


Our intent is to make everyone feel safe and welcome to join us for worship. As we have all seen in recent headlines, this pandemic is to be taken seriously, but not to be feared — which means with a few precautions, we should be able to gather safely.  


Please do not come to worship if: 

- You have a fever or symptoms of ANY form of sickness. 

- You have recently been in contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19.

- You have any hesitation whatsoever about coming to live worship and being around others in an enclosed space. 


These choices have been made by keeping in mind those who are most vulnerable in our congregation. As we move towards gathering again, our intent is to use the best practices in keeping all safe. Once again, please do not feel pressured to come back to worship if you are not ready to do so.  


Grace and Peace in Christ, 

The Session of FPC Sharpsville

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 11 am
Christian education classes for all ages @9:30am
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FPCS enjoys a mix of old and young worshipping together to new and old songs and Biblically based teaching for all ages...

Whether it is worshipping with the FPCS community Sunday mornings or sharing a prayer request with the prayer chain we look forward to connecting to you.

FPCS knows how to laugh, pray, work, encourage, worship and celebrate. Come join us this week.

FPCS is a community devoted to Christ and the fellowship of believers...

Gallery: click below to scroll through images


11 am




9:30 am

Christian Education for ALL


"Roots and Foundations" Adult Class

Middle Sch/Teen class 

 "Fun in the SON" K-5

 "fun in the Son jr." Pre-k



603 W. Ridge Avenue P.O. Box 125 Sharpsville, PA 16150


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